About Us
Dighton is located at the intersection of K-96 and K-23 in western Kansas and is the county seat for Lane County. Our 2021 population is just under 900 residents which makes us “Small Town Proud!” Our 'city' is defined less by boundaries on a map and more for the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. Small towns have a strong sense of community where everyone cares for each other and helps each other. There’s a comfortable feeling in small towns and Dighton is no different. We think it’s a great place to grow up and the rural setting exposes you to so many marvelous things – friendliness, the slower pace of small-town life, wide open spaces, and those Kansas sunrises and sunsets are just spectacular! Maybe we’ll see you sometime.
Welcome to the Dighton, Kansas webpage! Be sure to check us out on our Facebook page, too..... https://www.facebook.com/smalltownlifedoesntmakeyourlifesmall

Dighton, KS