Recent News in our Community!
The City of Dighton, Kansas staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
KDOT to host listening sessions on improving highway mobility in southwest Kansas
The Kansas Department of Transportation is hosting six listening sessions as part of the Southwest Kansas Highway Mobility and Expansion Strategy - a study looking at various ways to improve highway mobility, safety and accessibility in 44 counties in and near southwest Kansas.
As of August 2024 billing, any utility customer with more than 1 trash cart will be charged per cart at the current rate. If you have more than 1 cart and don't want to be charged for each cart, please contact the City Office and we will pick up additional cart(s).
We're Hiring!!!
The City of Dighton is currently accepting applications for a full time maintenance worker. Some duties include, but are not limited to: performing maintenance on city streets & alleys, installing and repairing water & sewer lines, installing and reading water meters, checking sewer lift stations, repairing and cleaning storm drains, operating department equipment, snow removal & other duties as assigned. Employee must be able to become certified in water and wastewater. Pay based on experience. Benefit package includes health & dental insurance (100% paid by City), Kansas Public Employees Retirement System, paid vacation & sick leave, life insurance paid by the City and other supplemental insurance policies are available.
City of Dighton's Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Water Report
Good Morning! The City of Dighton's 2023 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Water Report available on our website: Click on the "Residents" tab, scroll down to 'Departments' and in Water and Electric Utilities is our Water Quality Reports. Copies are also available at the City Office. You can stop by to read it or take a copy home with you!
Medicare Information for Seniors
Are you or someone in your household looking at their options for Medicare in Kansas? Here is a link to a guide to get a comprehensive overview of their choices, along with thoughts on how they can personalize their coverage. They can also find a list of resources to assist them in making the right decisions regarding health care coverage.
Credit and Debit Fees Change
2022 Fireworks Ordinance update
At the July 13th council meeting, we approved licenses for Scott's Fireworks and Zeke Moomaw Fireworks. We also voted unanimously to allow the sale and discharge of fireworks inside the city limits from 10 AM to 11 PM beginning June 27, 2022 through July 5, 2022. To view the complete ordinance, please click on 'Government' and choose Code Compliance or click on the following link.
Emailed agendas and minutes
May 2022 appointments
Monday's trash route
We were notified by Northend Disposal Tuesday right before 5:00 pm the trash truck would be running the south route today, Wednesday, after the driver was out sick on Monday. Sorry for the inconvience!
Winter Storm Uri update
On Monday, April 20, 2021 at the city council meeting the city of Dighton choose to absorb the excess electric cost ($182,822.91) for the "Winter Storm Uri" by paying for it with money from the city reserves instead of passing the cost along to each electric customer as an increased utility bill. We know this will help each and every citizen and business of our great community.
E-mail Billing
Did you know that we can email your utility bill to you every month? Stop receiving it in the mail & save a tree. Come by or call the City Office & give us your email address.
Online bill pay
You are now able to pay your utility bill online with a debit or credit card or e-check. Click payment options on the right hand side of the home page, then pay your bill now. Please have your account number on hand, as you will need to enter that. There is a service fee to use online bill pay, which is charged by Forte. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call.
Having Electrical Issues?
If you experience electrical issues, whether it be an outage, low voltage, a disconnected electric service or an issue with a street light, please call (620) 397-5111. If you call after business hours, your call will be transfered to the after hours dispatch. Once again please call (620) 397-5111. Thank you!
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